Set Fiftyone

This is a mini set of the Kiki figure in an outfit called "Jumper Elves". It was created by Leilana and available for purchase at RDNA.. They are based on 2500 pixels high and have been rendered at 300dpi in png format.

I have shown 2 examples for your consideration and when you left click on the images you can see them full size and download them both for FREE.
Warning: Run your cursor over the image and if you see a little magnifying glass with a + sign, please left click on it and get the full size image before you right click and save it to your hard drive. Click on the first one as well just in case the little magnifying glass doesn't appear.

Use your browser back button to return to this page.

I have included smaller images of all the files you will get in this purchase. They are all complete images in the zip with no parts missing and none have a drop shadow.

When I personally receive email notification of your purchase from Paypal, I will send you the link to the zip.

Because of the price, I would request that you refrain from sharing them through email groups or offering them to others for free. The only restriction on the use of these images is that you may not resell them as is. If you belong to a group that requires you use copyright then you can use ŠP.Ann without using a link back along with it.

The proceeds from any of the sales here always go to help paying for my website fees so I can offer most things here for free. I hope you will pass on the word to your friends in case they might be interested in these images as well. I don't advertise anywhere so any word of mouth help would be greatly appreciated.

Here are the images included in this package.

None of the images have a drop shadow.

Get all the images for the simple low price of $1.00